Thursday, November 28, 2019

Playing with proportions

My MIL gave me "Walking your Octopus" by Brian Kesinger. I love the illustrations. It made me wonder why I don't exaggerate proportions more. I really like the look of it, so I gave it a shot with the drawing from my last post. I'm much happier with how it looks now.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

First illustration for Fluffle and Flame

My husband, daughter and I are writing a children's book about a cat and a dragon - "Fluffle and Flame". I had plans for a sort of squirrel-like short-haired cat, but then I saw a photo of my friend's long-haired Siberian cat, and fell in love with it for our "Fluffle". This cat seems like I imagine Fluffle - rather unimpressed with those around her, but fond of luxury and affection.