Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Paintings of the boys

I dragged out my oil paints recently and painted a picture of my nephew and my son. They are mostly from photographs since there is no way the babies would sit still for more than a second. I painted them with the exact same color palette and on similar pieces of wood. I was pretty happy with how they turned out, and thought it was interesting how different they look.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


My kids are so absurd sometimes. I have been wanting a project to get me to draw more, so I thought recording what they do in comic form might be fun - hence the recent picture of my daughter with her cat toy. I was trying to come up with some new ideas when my mom sent me the link to the Far Side's website (love it btw!). It made me realize I don't have to be quite so literal and tied to what actually or could actually happen. I came up with some ideas and now I am hooked. The little drawings make me chuckle and because I have tons of other ideas, I don't spend too much time on the drawing, which has always been hard for me not to do. A few of the comics are here, and the rest can be found at sleeplessmommy.net.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Playing with proportions

My MIL gave me "Walking your Octopus" by Brian Kesinger. I love the illustrations. It made me wonder why I don't exaggerate proportions more. I really like the look of it, so I gave it a shot with the drawing from my last post. I'm much happier with how it looks now.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

First illustration for Fluffle and Flame

My husband, daughter and I are writing a children's book about a cat and a dragon - "Fluffle and Flame". I had plans for a sort of squirrel-like short-haired cat, but then I saw a photo of my friend's long-haired Siberian cat, and fell in love with it for our "Fluffle". This cat seems like I imagine Fluffle - rather unimpressed with those around her, but fond of luxury and affection.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

A book about tongues

My sister wrote a really cute poem about tongues so I've been trying to do the illustrations this summer. It is really hard to stay motivated for the number of illustrations you'd need for a children's book! I ended up making a little booklet for her to send as an option for publishers. They discourage sending art in any case. Here is the cover and a few illustrations I made for the booklet.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Portrait of my Grandma

My grandparents lived in Kenya in the 50's and took a lot of amazing photos. I was excited to practice the techniques I learned in Dominique's class, but didn't have a chance to go to an open studio. So I decided to make a painting of my grandma as a young woman. The photo I chose doesn't show the interesting African scenery they usually show, but that is in the back of my mind as an interesting project. I wanted to see if I could paint my grandma and add some of the missing color information the old photographs lack. I think with time and practice I'll get better at it.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Dominique Medici Workshop

I just took a weekend workshop with Dominique Medici. It was wonderful and I learned so much. She very methodically split up the process. Here is one of the paintings I worked on during the class. I didn't have enough time to finish, but - sans the black background - I was happy with the direction it was going in.